Piotr Rojek graduated from the Instrumental Faculty of the Karol Lipiński Academy of Music in Wrocław, having studied the organ under Prof. Andrzej Chorosiński, and from the Faculty of Composition, Conducting, Theory of Music and Music Therapy of the same Academy, having studied composition under Prof. Zygmunt Herembeszta and Prof. Krystian Kiełb.
He has participated in a number of master interpretation and improvisation courses conducted by such eminent personalities of the world of organ music as: Julian Gembalski, Bernhard Haas, Hans Haselböck, Ferdinand Klinda, Ton Koopman, Jon Laukvik, Armin Schoof, Wolfgang Seifen, Józef Serafin or Harald Vogel.
Dr. hab. Piotr Rojek works as a professor at his alma mater. He is the Dean of the Instrumental Faculty and the Head of the Chair of the Organ, Harpsichord and Old Music. He also teaches the organ at the Ryszard Bukowski 2nd Level State School of Music in Wrocław, as well as at the Karol Szymanowski General Education 1st and 2nd Level Schools of Music in Wrocław.

The artist regularly gives concerts, both at home and abroad, including in: the Czech Republic, Finland (e.g. the Åland Islands), Spain, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, Israel, Norway, Slovakia, Sweden, Ukraine, the USA, the UK, Italy and Hungary. He conducts master courses in Poland and in other countries. He has recorded over a dozen CDs. His CD from 2005, containing nine toccatas by outstanding composers from the period spanning the Baroque and the 20th century, performed on the historical organ at Wołów made by Adam Horatio Casparini, was nominated to the prestigious Polish Phonographic Academy FRYDERYK award. Piotr Rojek was a scholarship holder of the Polish Minister of Culture and Art and Internationale Altenberger Orgelakademie in Germany, as well a prizewinner in various organ and composition competitions.

The artist has received a number of prizes and distinctions, including: Award of the Rector of the Karol Lipiński Academy of Music in Wrocław, Award of the Director of the Art Education Centre in Warsaw, Bronze Cross of Merit, Decoration of Honor Meritorious for Polish Culture, Medal of the Commission of National Education, Award of the Minister of Culture of the Ukraine, Order Star of the Canon Chapter − in appreciation of his merits related to the reconstruction of the Baroque organ by Michael Engler in St. Elisabeth’s Basilica in Wrocław − and Medal of the President of the City of Wrocław Merito de Wratislavia – Wrocław’s person of merit for special merits for the city of Wrocław.


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