One of the most prominent polish double bass educators of the last fifty years.
It was in 1959 that he graduated from Panstwowa Wyzsza Szkola Muzyczna in Katowice, having studied in the class of prof. Wiktor Gadzinski, the pupil of the renowned Adam Bronisław Ciechanski. Still being in his twenties, he got hired by the most splendid polish symphonic radio orchestra - WOSPR in Katowice, with which he had collaborated for forty six years, until 1999. Passion, commitment, extraordinary discipline and the love for music allowed him to remain convinced that staying in one place, with this orchestra, is the best choice for him.

Bonawentura Nancka

The year 1960 for Bonawentura Nancka was the start of a fascinating new chapter in his life. One that lasted until the rest of his days. That important year for him, marked the beginning of his educational career. He set out on this beautiful journey by getting employed in the music school in Bielsko-Biala, where he worked until mid February 2007. It was then that he became ill and did not manage to recover.
After ending his orchestral career, he took up teaching in the Hochschule fur Musik in Rostock (Germany) where he worked in the years 1999-2003. While being active as an educator, he had been invited many times to lead the orchestral workshop Landesjugenorchester in Baden-Wurtemberg (Germany) and the European teen orchestra in Austria. Besides that, he had tought at summer courses in Wojnowice and Stary Sacz (Poland) in the years 1999-2007.

As an educator, he had a keen eye for double bass talents, which he was able to spot in any instrumental class in the Bielsko-Biala music school. One could say that he specialized in educating pupils that besides there talent, had also a strong personality, with which not many other teachers could cope. Candidates like this were the most interesting for him. They always found a place in his, different from the rest, outstanding double bass class. For his pupils he was demanding, but also full of warmth and understanding. Some say he was just like a father for them, Beno they called him.
Charming personality and extraordinary talent, but also outstanding intuition allowed him to reach his desired educational goals. Among his greatest joys, was sharing the professional successes of his pupils.
The most eminent graduates of professor Bonawentura Nancka are:
Janusz Widzyk - first prize winner of the International Double Bass Competition in Geneva (1998), double bassist of Berliner Philharmoniker.
Bronek Suchanek - jazz bassist in Boston (USA)
Boguslaw Szczepaniak - former principal bassist in the Perth Philharmonic (Australia)
Zdzislaw Prochownik - soloist for the philharmonic in Winnipeg (Canada)
Miroslaw Kasperek - principal bassist in Valladolid Philharmonic (Spain)
Numerous other excellent musicanas working in polish, danish and german orchestras.
Irena Olkiewicz, also a gradute of prof. Nancka was the first woman double bass player in Poland, so fascinated by the professor, that she gave up cello to play the bass.

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