The double bass plyer Radoslav Šašina ranks among the active propagators of solo play on his instrument. He has appeared as a soloist at numerous concerts with piano accompaniment and orchestra in many European countries and in the USA. His repertoire ranges from the Vienese classicist (where he uses an original period double bass with thirds-fourth tuning) to contemporary music. Thanks to his initiative, new pieces for double bass were written by Slovak composers (Ilja Zeljenka, Juraj Hatrík, Vladimír Bokes, Ladislav Kupkovič, Jozef Gahér, Miloslev Linha, Róbert Gašparík). One of the most weighty recordings of Šašina ́s discography is the original version of the Double Bass Concerto D major by Anton Zimmermann (1741-1781) with the Bratislava ensemble for early music Musica Aeterna in 1992. The latest CD „Šašina plays Bottesini“ with fantasies and variations for double bass and piano is an example of the compositions for solo instrument by Giovanni Bottesini, a master of Bel Canto. In addition to his artistic activity, Radoslav Šašina has been teaching at the Academy of Music and Drama in Bratislava, since 1987. Recently he also teaches at international double bass study-courses and has become a jury member at international double bass competitions.